by dmackinnon | Jul 25, 2013 | Healing Choices, Process
One day not too long ago I was rushing to get my son to preschool before an appointment. As we were walking into the building, I realized I didn’t have my keys in my hand. I brought my son to his classroom and got him settled in, then returned to my car. Yep, it was...
by dmackinnon | Jul 18, 2013 | Communication, Healing Choices
How well do you receive compliments? Do you accept them with a gracious “Thank you?” or do you brush them away? How do you feel when you offer a sincere compliment and it is accepted graciously? How about when it is brushed aside? When someone offers you a compliment,...
by dmackinnon | Jul 10, 2013 | Healing Choices, Thought Work
These days, I spend a lot of time observing my own thoughts. Sometimes I can see myself thinking a negative thought and see how that plays out in my day, and sometimes it all happens at a more unconscious level. When I see it, sometimes I just keep watching. Sometimes...
by dmackinnon | Jul 3, 2013 | Healing Choices, Thought Work
“Don’t believe everything you think.” I say this to all my clients, usually in the first coaching conversation we have. I write it on the white board when I speak in front of groups—doesn’t really matter what the topic is, this quote always applies. Most importantly,...
by dmackinnon | Jun 26, 2013 | Coaching Tools, Healing Choices
One of the tools Martha Beck taught me many years ago that I’ve used the most is “The 3 ‘B’s.” The 3 B’s are three ways to handle tasks or jobs that don’t really float your boat—things you’d rather not do, if you felt like you had a choice. The 3 B’s: 1. Bag It. Just...
by dmackinnon | Jun 19, 2013 | Healing Choices, Process
I’m reading Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project. It’s about one woman’s decision to spend a year trying to become happier. The book’s wonderful and Gretchen does a good job of describing her day-to-day struggles to focus on things that make her happier. One...