Not Ready to Set a Boundary

Not too long ago, I was talking to a client about boundaries. He wanted to know why the boundary he set with his adult daughter wasn’t working. I’ve discussed boundaries in this blog before, but they are such an important part of a healthy, happy, life that I think...

A Simple Question

One night a couple of weeks ago I told my husband about my morning with our son as I bustled around getting ready for bed. My son goes to preschool two days a week and lately he hasn’t been thrilled about going, especially after his 5-day “weekend.” My son told me on...

Find Your Passion

Recently, a client I’ve been working with for a while asked me the following question: “How do I find my passion?” He’s been struggling for a while with this question. Other questions he’s asked recently are: How do I figure out my skills? How do I know what I’m...

Rat Park

When I need to learn something (or maybe when I’m ready to learn a lesson), clients show up who also need to learn the same thing. I can see, so clearly, what they need to learn, and then—thwak!—the fact that I also need to learn the same lesson hits me in the face....


For the past few months, I’ve been doing a little experiment on my life, just to see what happens. The experiment involves noticing one thing whenever I consider doing something: I notice if it feels good, or if it feels bad. If it feels good, I commit to it, agree to...

Asking For Help

A couple of weeks ago I was working on a “landing page” on my website for a retreat I am hosting in the fall. It is very close to my heart and I had been working on the page days—adding content, removing content, stopping and starting. Finally, after about two weeks,...