One Scary Thing a Day

One Scary Thing a Day

Recently, I decided to do something scary once a day. Very recently. Two days ago, actually. Today will be the third day but I haven’t done anything scary yet. Two days ago I called the medical school I went to to update my information in the alumni directory. Not...
Reframe Your Experience

Reframe Your Experience

I recently spoke to a client, James, who had some limiting beliefs around marketing himself to others, as we all do. He’s an entrepreneur, so telling others how he can help (which is what I call marketing) is an important part of his work life. I challenged him to get...

Weight Loss and Awareness

Recently, I spoke to a client who wanted to lose weight. At a certain point, I mentioned I’d lost 18 pounds last summer (over a 4-month period). When she asked me how I’d done it, I briefly explained I’d given up certain foods for 30 days and still hadn’t gone back to...

Yes or No?

Often, I have a hard time saying “no.” But if I can’t say no, then I can’t really say, “yes.” If “no” is not on the table, then I believe I have no choice. I have no boundary. Whatever you want is what I feel I have to...