Slow It Down

Slow It Down

The speed of life seems to get faster and faster, so I have found it more important to try to slow it down. The only way I know how to do that is by staying present as much as possible.  When I say, “as much as possible,” I don’t mean that I spend 90% of my time truly...
Boundaries, Part 1

Boundaries, Part 1

What is a boundary? Just as we have property lines to show the boundaries between what is ours and what is our neighbor’s, boundaries in relationships let people know what is ours and what is theirs. When someone walks up our driveway to the front door and knocks;...
Feeding My Soul

Feeding My Soul

A few months ago my husband asked me how my first watercolor class went. “It was amazing!” I said. “I just want to watercolor all the time!” He sighed and said, “Great. Another distraction.” This comment led to a discussion about the housework, laundry, and cooking...
Why I Meditate

Why I Meditate

You are not your thoughts. I am not my thoughts. Meditating helps me remember this. When I meditate, I watch my thoughts come and go, like clouds in the sky. I focus on my breath until I realize I’m not focusing on my breath—I realize I’m thinking a thought. Then I...