Vision Board Focus

Vision Board Focus

In January, I do a lot of presentations on vision boards. I also work with my individual clients who are interested in making a vision board. Earlier this month, I sat down with a new client to work with her as she created her first-ever vision board. She’d brought a...


There’s been a lot of conflict going on in our world these days. I’ve paid as much attention as I can, although at times I’ve had to turn off the radio and turn away from the newspaper headlines. Thinking about conflict make me notice how I react (what I think, how I...
Developing the Skill of Self-Compassion

Developing the Skill of Self-Compassion

“If you long for the world to be a saner, more loving place, please be advised that you must start inside. Care for your sick, anxious, exhausted self as lovingly as you want to care for every suffering thing.” –Martha Beck, Like Ten Thousand Knives When All You...
The Magic of Reality

The Magic of Reality

I recently sat with one of my best friends over coffee. Because I trust her so much, I told my friend about a problem I’d been having with my husband, as it bothered me deeply. She listened, as all good friends do, and then we moved on to other topics. After we left...
Why I Meditate

Why I Meditate

You are not your thoughts. I am not my thoughts. Meditating helps me remember this. When I meditate, I watch my thoughts come and go, like clouds in the sky. I focus on my breath until I realize I’m not focusing on my breath—I realize I’m thinking a thought. Then I...
Money Beliefs

Money Beliefs

What are your money beliefs? We all have them, whether we realize it or not. For example, I have a friend who believes money is a tool that helps him live a great life. My friend budgets for the things he needs, saves for the things he wants, and has no debt. He is...