Reframe Your Experience

Reframe Your Experience

I recently spoke to a client, James, who had some limiting beliefs around marketing himself to others, as we all do. He’s an entrepreneur, so telling others how he can help (which is what I call marketing) is an important part of his work life. I challenged him to get...
Wordless Walk Solves Problems

Wordless Walk Solves Problems

Last week I went on a Wordless Walk, as I do twice a month. (You can join me!) Sometimes, when I’m walking, I do a little exercise that helps me solve my problems. I close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath and let it out. Then I open my eyes and notice...
Gratitude is a Practice

Gratitude is a Practice

Gratitude is a practice. You can’t just smear an “I’m so thankful,” on top of “I don’t want this,” and call it good. Let me give you an example. If your boss dumps a bunch of your coworker’s files on your desk and says, “Here, Joan is on vacation this week but these...
My Schedule = My Freedom

My Schedule = My Freedom

A friend of mine was excited to show me the list she’d made of all the daily tasks she’s going to do for herself. The list included things like “create art,” “be in nature,” and “exercise.” There were six items on her list. “It’s a great list,” I said, “but when are...