by dmackinnon | May 16, 2012 | Healing Choices, Process
I once had the experience of getting some feedback about a workshop I gave about letting go of energy drainers (anything that drains your energy). One woman who attended the workshop thought the workshop was terrible. How do I know? My husband told me. Let me...
by dmackinnon | Apr 27, 2012 | Healing Choices, Process
A friend and coaching colleague, Sarah Seidelmann, recently gave me a recorded guided meditation, called Guided Journey To Meet a Core Beastie. One evening, when I was feeling antsy, I grabbed my iPod, headed out the door to walk around (and around) my neighborhood,...
by dmackinnon | Apr 21, 2012 | Healing Choices, Thought Work
Recently my husband was adding a form to my website and he somehow made the whole website disappear from my computer. I have no idea how he did this (neither does he) but when he told me, I just said, “Okay, that’s fine.” And I meant it. I thought, I must need to...
by dmackinnon | Apr 14, 2012 | Healing Choices, Thought Work
A good friend, Jane, recently called me to vent about her husband. She’s married, has three beautiful children and a full-time teaching job. She said, “I was enjoying a yogurt after clearing the table, filling the dishwasher, and cleaning off the island, when Pete...
by dmackinnon | Mar 22, 2012 | Healing Choices, Thought Work
The other day my stepson and his friend came to my house to pick up some of the stuff my stepson had stored in our basement as he was moving to a new apartment. They said they needed to make another trip so I invited them to stay for dinner when they returned. They...
by dmackinnon | Mar 7, 2012 | Healing Choices, Limiting Beliefs
If you really want to know what I believe, look at my behavior. For example, I’ve been saying for years that I wanted to get out of debt, that having debt is not for me. But if you looked at my spending habits, you could see that I didn’t really believe this. I would...