
For the past few months, I’ve been doing a little experiment on my life, just to see what happens. The experiment involves noticing one thing whenever I consider doing something: I notice if it feels good, or if it feels bad. If it feels good, I commit to it, agree to...

Composting The Past

Danielle LaPorte recently asked a “Burning Question:” What would you be more of if you let go of the past? She makes the point that “identifying the source of your crap is only half the journey. The other half is composting it into something radically new.” I love...

An Ode to Time Alone

Okay, this isn’t really an ode. I just wanted to express how amazingly great it is to have a few hours to myself. My son recently started going to preschool two mornings a week. I’m getting a lot done in those few hours while he is playing with his new friends and...


Lately, I’ve been more aware of my thoughts and how they affect my daily life. I’ve been experimenting with different responses to my thoughts. Instead of automatically believing everything I think, I question my thoughts. There’s a quote from Mark Twain that I love:...

What Goes Around, Comes Around

A few months ago, I did something I don’t usually do. Some people that I admire and trust told me I “should” reach out to a particular person in my field as we had so much in common. I “should” know better than to try to connect with someone just because others think...

I Feel Better

These days, I feel good almost all of the time. And if I feel bad, it doesn’t last long. This was not always true for me. Back in the day, if I had a fight with my husband, I felt terrible—for days and days. After an argument (thankfully, a rare occurrence) I spent...