by dmackinnon | Jan 30, 2013 | Healing Choices, Thought Work
My husband snores sometimes. Back in the day, when we were newly married, this drove me crazy. I thought we were going to end up in separate bedrooms—not something I aspired to that first year (or now, for that matter.) I would lie in bed in the middle of the night,...
by dmackinnon | Jan 23, 2013 | Healing Choices, Process
I just got back from a weekend away with my siblings. We do it once a year. It was a very low-key weekend, but it was one of those times where I was exactly where I wanted to be, with exactly the people I wanted to be with. It was a great weekend. And today, here I...
by dmackinnon | Jan 16, 2013 | Healing Choices, Process
Self-care is a very important part of a great life. I’m talking about caring for yourself in a healthy way. I’m not talking self-indulgence, I’m talking the basics: getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, getting some exercise, and having some joy in your life. I...
by dmackinnon | Jan 9, 2013 | Coaching Tools, Healing Choices
I’ve talked about Primary Questions in this blog before. A Primary Question is a question you ask yourself first thing in the morning and throughout the day. It has the power to shape your day. Most of us unconsciously ask ourselves questions that are negative, such...
by dmackinnon | Jan 2, 2013 | Healing Choices, Process
As I’ve reflected on the last year and looked forward to the next, I’ve been having a hard time identifying my emotions. What am I feeling? I finally realized that I’m feeling excited at all the possibilities that the new year brings. I’ve experienced so many changes...
by dmackinnon | Dec 26, 2012 | Coaching Tools, Healing Choices
Every year around this time I make a list of 50 accomplishments. The reason I came up the number 50 is that it takes me beyond all the goals I set and makes me process some of the more subtle accomplishments of the year. So, at the beginning of my list I have things...