by dmackinnon | Dec 12, 2013 | Healing Choices, Process
A client recently told me, “I have to stop giving my power away.” Then she asked me how to do that. “Awareness is the first step,” I answered. The same day, another client told me, “Every year I have such high hopes for the holidays, and then it all goes to hell.”...
by dmackinnon | Dec 4, 2013 | Healing Choices, Thought Work
“Sometimes you have to break a promise to someone else in order to keep a deeper promise to yourself.” I don’t know who said this, or even if it’s a quote. Maybe I’m just paraphrasing. It’s something I read years ago and it stuck in my head. In November, I...
by dmackinnon | Oct 23, 2013 | Healing Choices, Process
This morning, I brushed my teeth with hand cream. Not cool, Diane. Nor is it helpful, as the hand cream has the opposite effect I was going for—clean, sparkly teeth? No, just dull and pasty. Yuck. Anyway, when I do things like this I take it as a sign: A sign that I’m...
by dmackinnon | Oct 2, 2013 | Coaching Tools, Healing Choices
One of my favorite life coaching tools is the metaphor tool. Martha Beck taught it to me many years ago and I use it all the time—with my clients and also I use it myself. If you’d like to use the metaphor tool, think of some big area of your life that you are having...
by dmackinnon | Sep 25, 2013 | Healing Choices, Limiting Beliefs
Recently, a client I’ve been working with for a while asked me the following question: “How do I find my passion?” He’s been struggling for a while with this question. Other questions he’s asked recently are: How do I figure out my skills? How do I know what I’m...
by dmackinnon | Sep 20, 2013 | Coaching Tools, Healing Choices
Today when my husband came home with our son, he told me that he’d taken him to Wendy’s and then they’d gone to the park and had a picnic. When I asked my husband if the kid had eaten well, he replied that the hamburger had onions on it so my son refused to eat it....