Pema Chodron tells a story about how annoyed she (or someone in her meditation session) was listening to someone’s whistling breath during a meditation session. Eventually, she realized the sound was coming from the radiator and she was amazed to notice that all her irritation and anger about the whistling went away. 

The noise wasn’t the problem, her thoughts about the noise were the problem.

I’ve tried do this when my husband snores—and maybe he does it when I snore—and I’ve found it really helps. When I focus on the thought that his snoring is something he’s doing (to me!) I get very irritated. When I focus on a thought like a noise is just a noise, I feel better. 

I still get up and move sometimes, but I don’t do it with anger, any more than I’d be angry at a storm cloud when thunder wakes me up.

A noise is just a noise.